Large companies have no problem with financing innovative projects. As a rule, corporations have available resources, they are able to allocate money quickly. Managers in large organizations have a slightly different challenge - how to quickly check...
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CEO check list to quickly determine the degree of digital maturity of the company.
The company's digital maturity can be defined as follows: digital maturity is about adapting the organization to compete effectively in an increasingly digital environment. Maturity goes far beyond simply implementing new technology by aligning the...
How to make startups and corporates work together
❓How to make startups and corporates work together❓ 1️⃣ Startups love risk and it is not a source of fear for them. Of course, everyone feels fear, but the startups do not defend themselves against it, they do not defend...
GE (large company) + Alaska Airlines (large company) + Kaggle (startup).
Please have a short video explaining GE, Alaska Airlines and Kaggle business case. A brief summary of what you can find in the video: A short introduction of Alaska Airlines and Kaggle; How it works and what Kaggle is. What challenges have GE and Alaska...
Big pharma needs startups for leveraging pharmacies business – case study.
In this post I want to share with you what I learned regarding the project where a big global company (its branch in the Central Eastern Europe region) needed to properly set up collaboration with startups that the company's headquarters has...
Will P&G disappear? What will happen to IKEA? Swarm of startups.
I am a great supporter of the concept of startups swarm. How do I understand it? You are sitting by the lake and drinking coffee. Maybe a wine with a girl or a group of friends. You are watching the surroundings. You are relaxed. Suddenly, mosquitoes...
Large companies as ecosystems. Where does the core business dissolves?
Large companies are reaching the world of startups more often. As I mentioned in the article published at, they mainly do so in order to give...
4 reasons why innovation needs separation from large companies structures.
What does kill large companies chance to discover new revenue through innovative effort? According to the PwC Innovation Benchmark report, managers in large organizations expect from innovative projects mostly impact on sales (source:...
Startups for increasing the income or cost-effectiveness of a large organization
You can clearly see in the world of large organizations the interest in building added value together with startups. 68% of companies on the TOP 100 Forbes list are involved in relations with startups (source: 500...
One single thing if you (large company) want to stay as a champ of the industry.
There is one single thing any large organization can do to dominate its industry. This is not easy. This is not simple but it exists. I had a chance recently to present K2 Digital Ventures to Board of Directors of global, retail company. My friend and...
Large organizations speed dating with startups, design workshops etc… is it worthy to spend time on those activities?
Large organizations and their teams can invest time into many innovative activities including speed dating with startups, meetups, design workshop, inspirations sessions etc. Usually a goal is to find an inspiration, to spot great startups for further...
4 reasons what is stopping large companies from acting like startups.
Good thing is, we know what stops large companies from acting like startups. The more important to me is, why large companies want to be like startups? From my personal experience, because startups can quickly evaluate if something works or not from...