My YouTube Channel

On my YouTube channel I’m on a journey to explain you the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence, bringing insights and practical tips for applying AI in business, productivity, and everyday life. My videos are designed to shed light on how AI is changing our world and to offer helpful advice for those looking to understand and leverage this technology. Join me as we explore the transformative power of AI together!

Visit my YouTube channel

AI-Driven Customer Operations: Strategies and Insights: Podcast with Sol Rashidi

Today’s podcast features the incredible Sol Rashidi, author of “Your AI Survival Guide” and an expert in the field of AI and customer operations. Together with Sol we discussed the practical applications of AI in customer operations, the transformative impact of AI on customer service, and strategies for effective AI integration.

Quantifying the Value of artificial intelligence in Business Metrics

How can AI revolutionize key metrics such as time to solution, delivery speed, and fraud reduction? Why is it crucial to measure and sustain value over time as AI capabilities evolve?

Let’s talk about the value of AI.

Transforming Customer Interactions and Sustainability with AI – Podcast with Manuel Vexler

It was my pleasure to host Manuel Vexler on our latest episode where we discussed how AI is changing the game for customer interactions and sustainability.

Why Self-Service and Predictive Maintenance Are Must-Haves for Business Success

Ignoring self-service and AI-driven predictive maintenance is no longer an option. Businesses that fail to adopt these innovations are risking their competitive edge and customer satisfaction.

I encourage you to watch my new video to learn why embracing these tools is essential for staying ahead and delivering exceptional service.

Transform Your Customer Service with Amazon Bedrock and Google Vertex AI

What if you could transform those messy handwritten notes and blurry documents into a treasure trove of structured data? Imagine the possibilities…

Let’s discuss how platforms like Amazon’s Bedrock and Google’s Vertex AI can revolutionize your customer service operations, boosting efficiency by up to 35%.

Adopting AI Tools: A Necessity for Modern Business Efficiency

Power of AI in Customer Operations — Weekly Video

Your employees want to use AI tools, and if you don’t give them that chance, you might bring risk to your company!

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