When it comes to technology, many people have futuristic things in mind, such as trips to Mars or flying cars. However, they forget to look at the earth. The very land that is used for planting. Fortunately, there are people like Mariana Vasconcellos who have it as a priority, and business. She is the CEO of Agrosmart, a Brazilian company that monitors crops and creates creative processes for agriculture.
It goes beyond that. It is because the technology presents in every step of the planting chain. It benefits the work of small producers and connecting with buyers, as well as managing on large farms. Some of the customers are Coca-Cola, Raízen, and Gracias.

Inspiring stories and Brazilian technology
Centennial and family-owned coffee plantations also benefit from the latest Agrosmart technologies. With the irrigation monitoring system, which uses soil and rainfall moisture sensors, production has been able to produce more positive results.
According to Rafael Zanetti, a rural producer of Batatais, he said “we have a 30 to 40% savings in the energy bill, helping a lot in making decisions and at the right moment that we should act on the field. In a short time, I noticed an improvement also in the quality of coffee beans, which we have not seen in recent months. “
Some of the large companies that use the Agrosmart system are Raízen, at its GASA unit in Andradina (SP). The region corresponds to 40 thousand hectares of sugarcane plantation and has an irrigation monitoring system, management of the field team and entrance of machinery in the field. According to Naiara Denúncio, Raízen operations manager, “With the application of these new technologies, we generate small transformations that impact the routine, the quality of life and the productivity of the workforce throughout the production process.”

Agrosmart Partnership with Raizen
A study by Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, a company that conducts global investment market research, indicates that the use of new digital solutions in the field will increase productivity by about 70% by 2050.
Thinking about the potential of this market, Agrosmart, the leading digital agriculture platform in Latin America, has partnered with Raízen. It is one of the most competitive energy companies and a reference in sugarcane production in the world. It is a pioneer in adopting technologies. The company implemented the Agrosmart system in operation in the field to increase production efficiency. Of course, it is reducing costs and generating better farming intelligence.
Through sensors installed in the field, the Agrosmart system monitors the conditions of humidity, climate, soil and irrigation of the area in real time. The information can be accessed centrally in the online platform. With this tool, the team has access to the precise recommendations of when it is necessary to irrigate each of the monitored stands to achieve maximum productivity at a lower cost.

In addition to irrigation, the Raízen team also uses the information generated by the platform in other field operation activities, such as planting, harvesting and phytosanitary management.
“In the past, the management of our irrigation was done through an ideal water balance, which did not consider the actual soil moisture conditions in the field. With the implementation of Agrosmart technology, we can be sure of what happens in the field, bringing innovation to our operation to reduce costs, increase productivity and contribute to more sustainable production in the field, “explains Marcelo Romão, Raízen Agricultural Projects Engineer.
The Agrosmart system is used in one of Raízen’s units, in Andradina (SP), GASA unit. The area today corresponds to more than 40 thousand hectares planted with sugar cane and has the platform monitoring system to make decisions related to irrigation, management of the field team and entrance of machinery in the field.
“Our partnership with Raízen goes beyond a technological solution. We work together to highlight agriculture 4.0 and foster the ecosystem of disruptive initiatives in the field. If on the one hand, the startups have speed and innovative DNA, the big companies have access to the market, which contributes to the work of taking the digital agriculture beyond the current borders, “said Mariana Vasconcelos, CEO of Agrosmart.