Churn Management in E-Commerce

👤 Julia Konieczka
📖 2022

According to Burtch Works, employment in artificial intelligence and data science in 2022 “is solid.”

A survey by Burtch Works found that AI management specialists’ salaries increased from 11% to 13% in the annual period through April 2022. An executive recruiter reported the biggest salary increases for AI and data analytics professionals since he began publishing the report in 2013.

The survey was conducted among 1,841 AI employees from May 2021 to April 2022. The median salaries of basic AI professionals increased significantly compared to the same period a year earlier. This was especially true of management positions. For AI professionals, median base salaries ranged from $ 105,000 for level 1 individual associates to $ 275,000 for seasoned managers.

Photo source: Burtch Works

AI maturity: only 12% of companies are “AI professionals”

Accenture research suggests that only 12% of companies have developed their AI maturity enough to achieve better growth and business transformation. These companies are “AI professionals” and spend an average of 30% of their total revenue on AI.

What is AI maturity? Artificial Intelligence Maturity measures the extent to which organizations have mastered AI capabilities in the right combination to achieve high performance for customers, shareholders and employees. It comes down to mastering a set of key capabilities in the right combinations of data and AI, but also organizational strategy, talent and culture.

• AI Achievers: show advanced AI maturity enough to achieve ‘superior growth’ and business transformation,
• AI Builders: show strong foundational capabilities and average differentiation capabilities,
• AI Innovators: show strong differentiation capabilities and average foundational capabilities,
• AI Experimenters: those with average capabilities in both categories — make up the majority (63%) of those surveyed.

Accenture claims that 75% of companies have already integrated AI into their business strategies and have reworked their cloud plans to achieve AI success.
Almost (30%) of all AI pilot initiatives are subsequently scaled to deliver wide-range outcomes, with 42% of business leaders noting that AI projects exceeded their expectations.

Churn Management in E-Commerce
